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16 items found for ""

  • CONTATO | Go2neXt

    Entre em contato com a Go2next Digital Innovation. Estamos prontos para ajudar com suas necessidades em infraestrutura de rede, ciber security, digital signage, salas de videoconferência e soluções em T.I. CONTACT We will contact you with more information. Name* Enterprise* E-mail* Telephone* Subject What is your need?* TO SEND

  • CASES | Go2neXt

    Descubra como a Go2next Digital Innovation transformou empresas com nossas soluções em infraestrutura de rede, ciber security, digital signage, salas de videoconferência e soluções em T.I. CASES Whether for conventional or smart meeting rooms, with cutting-edge technology such as LED panels, automation, high-performance microphones, integrated speakers or advanced videoconferencing and streaming systems, our team has developed customized projects for companies of all sizes and sectors. In addition, we offer complete network infrastructure, including Digital Signage projects, and NOC and SOC management, ensuring connectivity, security and innovation for your operations. See how we transform environments with technological solutions that integrate audio, video and IT infrastructure.

  • ON THE MEDIA | Go2neXt

    Explore os destaques de nossa jornada com o clipping de várias matérias, premiações e veja como estamos moldando o futuro com soluções tecnológicas avançadas. ON THE MEDIA Whether for conventional or smart meeting rooms, with cutting-edge technology such as LED panels, automation, high-performance microphones, integrated speakers or advanced videoconferencing and streaming systems, our team has developed customized projects for companies of all sizes and sectors. In addition, we offer complete network infrastructure, including Digital Signage projects, and NOC and SOC management, ensuring connectivity, security and innovation for your operations. See how we transform environments with technological solutions that integrate audio, video and IT infrastructure.

  • Go2next Digital Innovation | Soluções em T.I.

    Go2next Digital Innovation: Especializada em consultoria de TI, infraestrutura de rede, datacenter, cibersegurança, NOC, SOC, monitoramento, automação de ambientes inteligentes, salas de videoconferência e digital signage. Adaptando inovação digital ao futuro das empresas. Specialized in IT consulting, network infrastructure, datacenter, cybersecurity, NOC, SOC, monitoring, automation of intelligent environments, videoconferencing rooms and digital signage. ADAPTING DIGITAL INNOVATION TO THE FUTURE OF COMPANIES Learn more We provide professional solutions to deliver safe projects Our service offering has a very clear focus: to collaborate with your company's team so that it achieves all its business and IT management objectives. How can we help your business? PROJECTS OUR CLIENTS We believe that every customer is a valuable partner. OUR PARTNERS An ecosystem of global IT, Audio and Video suppliers Partners and Clients TESTIMONY CONSULTING Specialized in IT, we carry out detailed analyses to understand the challenges and objectives of our clients' businesses, offering customized solutions for digital transformation. Learn more INFRASTRUCTURE Performance and reliability in ICT with advanced cabling technologies. Documentation, proactive fault detection, usage visualization, certified cabling, on-demand contracts, diagnostics and advisory reports. Learn more COLABORAÇÃO We facilitate communication and collaboration between teams, implementing integrated audio, video and automation solutions. Our expertise includes training rooms, video conferencing, unified communications platforms and remote working solutions. Learn more SEGURANÇA We ensure the security and availability of ICT environments, on-premise or in the cloud, with a focus on BigData/Analytics and collaboration. Our solutions include compliance, DLP, firewall/IPS, as well as continuity and disaster recovery plans. Learn more DATA CENTER We ensure the continuous transformation of your Data Center, on-premise or in the cloud. We offer infrastructure assessments, modernization, data storage, and WAN acceleration. Learn more MANAGEMENT Complete cloud management through C-NOC with guaranteed 24x7 monitoring. Management of IoT and mobile devices, compliance and performance control, aiming at scalability, reduced cost and rapid implementation. Learn more AUDIO AND VIDEO - UX We live in an increasingly connected world, where technology plays a crucial role in creating smart, customer-centric environments. Our audio and video solutions enhance the user experience, providing increased productivity, ensuring comfort and efficiency in every interaction. Learn more INTELLIGENT WORKPLACE We create intelligent work environments with integrated solutions that increase the efficiency of your business and reduce costs, automating processes and reducing human intervention in operational tasks. This allows your team to focus solely on the strategic management of the environment. Learn more

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